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- ♀ - Favola - INT Ch,SLO Ch,IT JCh '16,Crufts '17
- ♀ - Fairyland's Jewel Oreo
- ♀ - Fairyland's Jewel Unicorn
- ♀ - It's My Life
- ♂ - La Scale My One And Only
- ♂ - Mystic Way Bronze Idol
- ♂ - CH IT LUX Marveil King Of Fairylands - EW '11 Brace,SLO JCh '11,SloJW '11,Ch IT '12
- ♀ - CH SLO Blakkendy Della Giuliana
- ♀ - Costopa's Perfect Dress - IT JCh '11,SloJW '11,Crufts '12,JTop Dog '10
- ♀ - Vilda Pol Tema
- ♀ - Sorcery's Simply The Best - IT JCh '11,SLO JCh '11,SloJW '11
- ♀ - Baghdad Diamonds Are Forever - Slo JCh '12,SloJW '12
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